Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Intervals @ Leary

1x2k, 1x1600, @ 5k+15s (~6:16 pace). 

3x 800 @ 5k (~6:00 pace)

Cold today! At the track by 6:30, which was still near-darkness. Just as well the pace was backed off a little, as it's hard to get going in the cold and dark. Felt strong, though--goal pace was probably a bit conservative. 

2k : 7:44 (goal 7:50)

1600: 6:16 (goal 6:16)

3x800: 2:58, 2:56, 2:52 (goal 3:00)


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Intervals @ Leary

 2x 1k, : 3:42, 3:47

1x 2k : 7:38

2x 1k : 3:42, 3:39

400 jog recovery, 5k pace goal.

It's finally getting cooler in the mornings--almost feels like autumn. The track was quieter, with dawn just starting to break as I got there.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Road Intervals / Norumbega

Road intervals. Warm, foggy morning. Light is going quickly now; I started in the dark, but things had brightened up considerably by the time I had warmed up. I felt strong throughout, so the pace was likely a little conservative relative to goal 5k pace. No GPS watch, no idea how fast I was really going. 

4 x 3min, 1min recovery

4 x 2 min, 1 min recovery

4 x 1 min, 1 min recovery

7.5 miles total.