Tuesday, September 17, 2024

4x1600 @ Leary

 Cool, pleasant morning with some early fog. 

 4x1600m with 400m jog recovery, 8 miles total.

 5:57, 6:05, 6:04, 6:08

 I felt more limited by the neuromuscular system than the cardiovascular system today. Started to feel a bit rubbery on the last interval. As always, returning to the track is doing me some good, though. I can feel my morning jogs getting easier. Funny how even a jog seems hard if it's the fastest you ever go.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

4 x 1200 @ Leary

Clear, cool, early fall morning. Shadows retreated down the back 100 with every lap as the sun rose. 

4x1200 in: 4:25, 4:26, 4:27, 4:26

with 400m jog recovery. 

I probably have a <6:00 pace 5k in me. I'm going to sign up for a couple of fall races and find out.